August 19, 2014

Teacher Week: Classroom Digs!

It's day #2 and it's all about the WHERE!

I mentioned yesterday that I don't go back for another two weeks but that doesn't mean I haven't spend much of my summer planning what my room is going to look like!

I've been off for 2.5 years and I'm changing grades when I go back.  Even though I haven't set up my new digs yet, I thought I'd share my inspiration for my new room.  I'm planning a big classroom reveal when it's all done.

Here's a before of the four corners of my room!

I know....not much to look at yet!  Here are some things I bought to help pull it all together!

As you can see, I am going with lots of colour this year!  Hanging lanterns, and borders that pop!  I bought a huge roll of fadeless black paper (I know, table cloths are much, much cheaper!)  I just find they rip easily and I don't want to re-do these borders again next year!  The tissue paper and chevron borders are hopefully going to look something like this.  Don't you just love layered borders???

I'll use the stars for my brand new Brag Tag board.  My good friend Angie Olson over at Lucky Little Learners has 2 awesome packs in her store!  Here's my inspiration for my BT board!  It comes from Bunting, Books & Bright Ideas!

And here are some things I have made!

First up is my Tattle Monster.  Yup - I definitely do NOT have time for tattles.  Don't forget I have 3 of my own kids at home!  I upgraded from the tattling turtle that I used with my firsties to this amazing classroom tool.  All I do is put scrap paper, pencils and my handy little sign beside the Tattle Monster.  When kids feel the need to tattle, they write it on the paper and feed it to the monster.  And let me tell you...the notes I get are HILARIOUS.    All kids want is to tell somebody and they don't really care who or what it is!  AND, the bonus is that they have to practice writing!  A win-win I think!  To make your own "Tattle Monster", get an empty kleenex box and paint it (I used acrylic paint because it's thicker and the colours are much more varied and bright).  Add some cute polka dots and use few egg carton cut outs and googly eyes to make the eyes.  Cut out some white foam sheets to look like teeth, hot glue gun them in and voila!  Your classroom should be tattle free in a jiffy!!!!

I'm going with Ombre Chevron for all of my little details like my word wall, table numbers, supply bins and student book bins!

How cute are those pencils up there?  I'm going to hang them on my classroom door whenever we go somewhere else in or out of the school!  You can get your own free editable set from The Lesson Plan Diva!

And the bargain of the century are these book shelves I picked up from Walmart for $19!  I bought two of them and I'm hoping to find one more so I have a full 6 feet of bookcases.  And, they are low enough that they should fit right underneath the bulletin boards at the back of my class!  I can't afford to lose any of my precious bulletin board real estate!

I'm going to re-organize my classroom library this year using these really cool labels from Ramona Recommends.

I picked up paint stir sticks from Home Depot and some zebra print duck tape to make subject dividers between my book categories.  Be sure to read about her awesome home library transformation!

Finally, if you are looking for some inspiration you have to check out my Class Decor & More Pinterest board!!!!  I'd love to add you as a collaborator too!  My one rule is that you only pin real pictures not product covers :)  People want to see what stuff actually looks like!!!!  Click the link to follow first, then email me and I'll add you!!!!

Class Decor & More pinterest board!'s your turn!  I want to see what your classroom looks like so link up with us today!
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  1. Haha I LOVE those tattle monsters - I was looking at using a tattle phone this year, but I think the monsters will be a much better idea!


  2. I love how you layered the border and added tissue paper to spruce it up. Great idea!!!

    Lovely Literacy & More

  3. How am I just now seeing this post? I love all of your inspirations for your new classroom. Welcome back to the teaching field! Wow, 2 1/2 years of being away! You must be excited! I'm looking forward to seeing your full classroom reveal and thank you for the brag tag shout out my friend!
    Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners
